You can get Permit to sale the reseller hosting and other products services worldwide specially in USA, if you not have permit to sales the resell services in United States (US) then you have to pay tax on each item which you want to resell even a hosting plan. You can avoid this sales tax just register yourself with your state Sales Tax department so you can easily save yourself from paying more tax over your resell products. This is good opportunity for E commerce resellers. Don’t forget to take your own Sales Tax ID number.
What is Sales Tax?
If you don’t know that what is sales tax? Then we will provide you the brief description about sales tax. Basically sales tax represent a small charge on your products by your state law. There are some states in United States where you don’t have to pay any sales tax like Delaware, Oregon, New Hampshire, Montana, Alaska and Hawaii on your products. One thing you have to keep in mind that what is the current sales tax rate on your state.
Note: In some states you also need to collect sales tax on shipping and handling.
How do I get a Sales Tax ID and Reseller License in US?
You request a sales tax ID and affiliate endorsement/permit with your state charge office. Case in point, in the event that you are in New York, then you would go to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance (either on the web, by telephone or in individual) and fill in the proper structure. Once you got your sales tax id and permit for sale products as reseller then you have free of many tensions.
How to Setup Sales Tax on Your eBay in USA:
- Go to your eBay account
- From left hand navigation click on preference
- It will redirect you to Payments from Buyers section.
- Edit the Use sales Tax button from below
- Provide the exact sale tax rate according to your state
- You have done J
How to Setup Sales Tax on Your Open cart in USA:
1) Set up a Geo zone and add the area you want to cover. (Admin>Config>localisation>Geo Zone)
2) Go to Admin>Config>localisation>tax class and create a new one. In that tax class, make sure you select the GeoZone you created.